Miracle-Gro® Fish, Blood & Bone All Purpose Plant Food contains a combination of fast releasing nitrogen and naturally occuring materials which supply the 3 main nutrients.
Organic Nitrogen slowly and steadily releases for up to 8 weeks, encourages strong growth and healthy, rich green foliage.
Phosphate slowly and steadily releases to promote vigorous root growth.
Potassium promotes flower production and improves ripening of fruit and vegetables.
How to use
During soil preparation/planting time – sprinkle evenly over the soil and mix in well. During dry weather, water well after sowing seeds and planting out.
During the growing season – sprinkle evenly over the soil around established plants. Gently work it into the soil surface with a hand fork or hoe without disturbing the plant roots and water in thoroughly.
Planting small plants and barerooted plants – sprinkle around plants after planting and slighlty work into the soil.
Planting bigger plants/shrubs/trees – mix with soil from planting hole with planting compost and use as planting mixture.